Black Faculty & Staff Association Bylaws

California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo


Article I. Purpose


Section A.        The purpose of this organization shall be to:


  1. Support the recruitment, retention and graduation of Black students and the recruitment, retention and promotion of Black faculty and staff.


  1. Establish and facilitate communication amongst Cal Poly Black faculty, staff, students, alumni, members of the central coast Black community, and all other interested persons within the university, state and nation.


  1. Promote action for the better understanding and teaching of Black students.


  1. Promote education, learning, and leadership experiences through community action and partnerships.


  1. Gain a broad professional awareness and contribute to the resolution of problems in education.


  1. Establish and facilitate communication with administrators regarding the experiences of members of the Black community.



Article II. Definitions and Membership


  1. “Association” shall be defined as an organized body of people who have an interest, activity, or purpose in common


  1. “Interested Persons” shall be defined as any person without regard to race, ethnicity, color, age, disability, national origin, religion, gender identity/expression or sexual orientation.


  1. All faculty, staff, administrators, students and alumni of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, and community partners are eligible to join the Black Faculty and Staff Association.


  1. Those members who pay dues may be active members.


  1. Only active members may participate in decisions affecting the goals of the organization, be elected to office, vote, debate or represent the association.


  1. There shall be no membership discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. The Black Faculty and Staff Association reserves the right to eject any member who does not co-exist with professionalism, goals, and standards of the association.


  1. This association or any of its members shall not intentionally conspire to commit any act which causes or is likely to cause bodily danger, or physical or emotional harm to anyone.



Article III. Name and Affiliation


Section A.        The name of this organization shall be Cal Poly Black Faculty and Staff Association, hereinafter referred to as “Black Faculty and Staff Association” or “BFSA”.


Section B.        The Black Faculty and Staff Association (formerly the “Concerned Black Community”) was recognized as an organization by the President of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo on April 29, 1997, subject to all the privileges and obligations set forth by the President of California Polytechnic State University and the State of California.


Section C.        It is the intent of this organization to uphold and abide by pertinent State and University laws and regulations.



Article IV. Officers and Elections


Section A.        The Black Faculty and Staff Association may elect the following officers:

Two Co-Chairs and a Treasurer.


Section B.        The duties of these officers may be:


  1. Co-Chairs
    1. Shall preside at, take minutes and keep records of all Black Faculty and Staff Association, Executive Board and special meetings.
    2. Shall serve on the executive board exercising general supervision over the Black Faculty and Staff Association organization.
    3. Shall appoint committees and serve as ex-officio members of such committees.
    4. Shall work with students and staff in the Multicultural Center (MCC) in Student Life and Leadership to update resources and information for the Cultural Community Handbook.
    5. Shall keep a current list of all the officers, paid members, and standing committees.
    6. Shall keep a current record of decisions.
    7. Shall keep a current notebook of duties and procedures performed in the term of office to be a record for the succeeding co-chairs.
    8. Shall submit a report to the membership and President of the University at the conclusion of their term of office.


  1. Treasurer
    1. Shall disburse funds in accordance with strict accounting principles and provisions and according to the budget as approved by the Black Faculty and Staff Association.
    2. Shall keep financial records in accordance with accepted business practices.
    3. Shall be in charge of all funds raised through activities of the Black Faculty and Staff Association.


Section C.        Voting


  1. Only dues paying members shall be able to vote.


  1. The Black Faculty and Staff Association’s decisions shall require a majority vote or quorum unless otherwise specified in the bylaws.


Section D.       Elections


  1. Candidates for office shall be active, dues paying members of the Black Faculty and Staff Association.


  1. The new officers shall be elected from active membership at the Spring Quarter meeting.


  1. Vacancies in offices shall be filled in the following manner:
    1. Current Co-Chairs will serve until an election can be held and all officers and members shall be eligible to run for Co-Chair.
    2. All other vacancies shall be filled by an election at the meeting following the vacancy.


  1. Officers may be recalled by a ¾ majority vote of Black Faculty and Staff Association’s active membership.


Section E.        Term of Office


  1. Term of office shall be two years.


  1. Officers may be re-elected.


Article V. The Executive Board


Section A.        The Executive Board


  1. Shall be composed of the officers.


  1. Shall have the authority to carry out the provisions of these bylaws and to expend funds provided for in the budget. The budget requires membership approval at a regular meeting.


Article VI. Black Faculty and Staff Association Meetings


Section A.        The Black Faculty and Staff Association meetings shall be held at least once a quarter.


Section B.        The first meeting of the year must be held within one month after the beginning of the Fall Quarter.


Article VII. Quorum


Section A.        One fourth (1/4) of the active members shall constitute a quorum.



Article VIII. Dues


Section A.        The dues of the Black Faculty and Staff Association shall be set by the members.


Section B.        The deadline for payment of dues shall be set by the members and paid on an annual basis.


Section C.        Regardless of the time a member pays dues, there shall be no refunds made by the Black Faculty and Staff Association to persons terminating their membership in the association.



Article IX. Amendments


Section A.        Amendments shall be made with a majority vote of the Executive Board.



Updated: June 4, 2013 – Camille O’Bryant

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